2009年9月19日 星期六

Still water

First week in university confused me.

What's my initial purpose of being here far away from home?

Continual socializing is eroding me passion;

theories are eating away my imagination to those unknown.

Seeing U.TA in The Wall on this Friday,

it seems that everyone who wants to be somebody has arrived in this city.

However, how many dreams can a tiny little basin carry?

Buses are filled with countless people rubbing their wet bodies;

streets are trampled by surging people.

We walk, we run but are we really heading for our destination?

Hope this stalemated situation would like still water, eventually runs deep.

2009年9月14日 星期一


中部的雨水平快速劃過車窗, 落向不斷後退的嘉南平原

才赫然發現 尋找多時的夥伴其實一直都在身邊, 並已一起赴湯蹈火無數次

或許我們都一樣 總要在快失去時才會真正擁有

直得慶幸的是 我們從不曾失去 在擁有之前

爸爸 ,媽媽,妹妹 我的家